The Greatest Gift

     Do you make enough time in your life for the ones that you love? Do you let them know how you really feel about them in a way that they can understand?

     We are so busy; eating and texting while driving, adding endless errands to our to-do lists, ignoring the beauty of nature around us...can we set a little time aside each day to love? It is so healthy and so important.

The greatest gift you can give a loved one this holiday season is not an ipad, a sparkly piece of jewelry,  nor is it even a massage gift certificate...
it is your TRUE PRESENCE.

Take a couple minutes, breathe in and out peacefully several times, approach them and with a smile, look into their eyes, say, 

"My dear, I am here for you." 

If you say this with your mind and your body united, you will witness a transformation.

--Thich Nhat Hahn

Hepadna & Old Lace

Just stumbled across a unique artist doing some new stuff with an old art form.

Brooklyn-based Laura Splan programed the geometric shapes of different virion into a computerized embroidery machine to come up with some beautiful doilies. 

Herpes never looked so elegant...






We Are Healed

The Common Cold Magnified
      I write this to you, dear Reader, curled in bed, living day three of a cold. My throat burns, my bones ache, and my nose vacillates between being completely blocked and slowly leaking hot air. To top it all off, I've got a 2 lb baby inside me, squirming and kicking from my ribs down to my bladder. It is easy to feel sorry for myself.

     Being pregnant, I can't do my usual remedies.

Good-bye, Oregano Oil ! So long, Echinacea!

Instead, I've been doing the following:
1) multiple himalayan salt water gargles each day
2) neti pot 4-5 x per day with homemade saline (I still finish this with a squirt of colloidal silver to each nostril--hoping baby doesn't come out a Smurf ).

3) tea with Manuka Honey/Constant Fluids
4) freshly squeezed grapefruit juice--which to be honest, sent me hugging the porcelain this morning
5) no sugar! eating healing whole foods.
6) parking my butt in bed all day.

AND Most Importantly -->
I am picturing myself healed. 
Focusing and deeply imagining how it would feel to be already healed
Cold FREE. 
Smiling and breathing easily.

Practicing this powerful technique can 
Please watch this video in which Gregg Braden describes the science behind this process and see a video clip in which bladder cancer disappears from a woman's body, without any drugs, without any knives... Are you a believer? Is this a miracle? Or, is it a technology that we are fully equipped to perform? 

You are this powerful, too, you know.

"What we choose to experience in our lives, 
we must first feel in our hearts, as if it has already happened."

Thanks, Gregg Braden!!

You Hold The Key

"We must bring about a revolution in our way of living our everyday lives, because our happiness, our lives, are within ourselves."
--Thich Nhat Hahn, True Love

Cosmically Gorgeous flowers in San Francisco,
noticed on the way to a day of dissection.

Runners: Tart Cherries = Less Pain!

Some Cherry Juice A Day Keeps the NSAIDs Away!

     I am so excited to hear about all of the races that many of you will be running this season! This morning, I came across some great info that I know you all can use...
Instead of  relying on Ibuprofen, Advil, or Tylenol this season for recovery and pain relief, swig some 


Click HERE to read the Research Article, Efficacy of tart cherry juice in reducing muscle pain during running: a randomized controlled trial, published by 
JISSN (Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition)
in 2010.
This is the most beneficial way to consume fruit juice:
*Room Temperature
*Diluted with clean, spring water

 A study was conducted by the Departments of Orthopedics and Medicine at the Oregon Health and Science University, and it was discovered that, 

"Ingesting tart cherry juice for 7 days prior to and during a strenuous running event can minimize post-run muscle pain."

Long distance runners were the participants in this randomized, double blind, placebo controlled trial. The experimental group drank o.355 Liters of Tart Cherry Juice 2x per day for the week leading up to a race and on the day of the race.  The cherry juice group reported a significantly smaller increase in post-activity pain  compared to the placebo group.

Participants in the cherry juice group were more willing to use the drink in the future and reported higher satisfaction with the pain reduction they attributed to the drink. 
The antioxidants in cherry juice are so powerful that they stop inflammation in its tracks.

Need more reasons to drink tart cherry juice? 

*Reduces Joint Pain (classic treatment for Gouty Arthritis)
*Supports Healthy Sleep Patterns (contains Melatonin)
*Supports Healthy Cardiovascular System
*Contains TONS of Beta Carotene, Vit. C, E, 
Magnesium, Iron, Folate
* Tart cherry juice concentrate scores highest of all fruits and vegetables for antioxidants (particularly anthocyanins).

Here's the kind the baby and I've been chugging:

Remember: please drink Organic UNSWEETENED Tart Cherry Juice, as cherries have thin skins (easy for pesticides to seep through) and are on the dreaded dirty dozen list.