An Apple A Day

I recently returned from a wonderful trip to New York & New Jersey. I  enjoyed reconnecting with old friends and attending an Anatomy Trains workshop. Here are a couple cool pictures that I snapped at my favorite store, Evolution

Here is a human skull that has been disarticulated and displayed under this shiny glass dome. Notice how the upper palate of your mouth, the maxilla, is a fusion of two bones and that your brain is sitting on boney pockets of air.  If we know that the human body is basically just a sack of sea water walking around and that living bone is flexible and spongey, do you think that there is any movement among the sutures of a living skull? That which isn't flexible breaks easily under pressure, right?

As a burgeoning anatomist, have I died and gone to heaven? Here is a collection of actual human skeletons--from a tiny baby up to a full grown adult. (Too bad there isn't a scoliotic 80+ skeleton.) Notice the head/body size ratio in the baby vs. the adult. Can you tell the sex of a body, just by studying its skeleton?

The human structure is an artistic, engineering marvel!

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking the exact same thing about the scoliotic 80+ skeleton! Je plaisante...but it is fascinating. It's the pelvis, right, that marks the male/female difference? And maybe something with the ribs?
